
The first part some people notice about a person is their eyes. Whether their a light blue or a dark brown, they're unique. Your eyes stand out more if you use the correct shade of eyeshadow or eyeliner. If you click on the page with your color eye, there will be the colors of eyeshadow, eyeliners & mascara that will make your eyes stand out! 

Blue Eyes
Light blue eyes are more compatible with darker colors because they contrast. Darker blues are more compatible with medium colors because it'll bring out the little unique colors in the pigment that you wouldn't see normally. The overall colors that blue eyes would stand out with is dark blue, medium green, nude & gray. The color eyeliner you'd use on your eye to stand out is black, charcoal or dark brown. Mascara varies from deep black to dark blue, depending on the dark shade of blue you have.

Brown Eyes
For brown eyes, the color eyeshadow you'd use is black, dark gray, gold and strawberry/nude. Some shades of purple would work to bring out the brown and green highlights. The color mascara you'd use is black pearl to bring out the vibrant brown in your iris. The color eyeliner you'd wear is black pearl. There's specialized kits that some makeup companies make to bring out the shades.

Hazel Eyes
Hazel eyes are more unique therefore more unique colors are used. They're similar to green eyes, so green & hazel eyes are known as the same thing. For hazel eyes you'd use the colors medium brown, light brown, deep aqua or light strawberry colored eyeshadow. The color eyeliner you'd use is jade green because hazel eyes are more of a mixture of brown & green, green being the color that stands out more. The color mascara you'd use is black gold to bring out the little specks of gold & hazel in your eyes. 

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