Right choice: esthetic cosmetology or medicine?

Right choice: esthetic cosmetology or medicine?

All methods and ways are good, if they give health and beauty. Probably, for this reason the majority of people want to understand that best of all is suitable for them.

In beauty of the person and body on an equal basis are engaged both esthetic medicine, and esthetic cosmetology. Whether there is a distinction in these two concepts? Certainly, it is available. While the medicine is urged to bear in itself therapeutic effect, the cosmetology serves beauty ideals, improves appearance methods which don't bear in itself serious interventions.

Biorevitalizatsiya of the person, for example, a method of penetration of the laser gives to hypodermics necessary hyaluronic acid. Thereof properties of cages become more active, the metabolism improves, various substances which give subsequently to skin disposal of wrinkles and elasticity are more actively developed.

The cosmetology is engaged in impact on skin outside. Face peels when skin pores are cleared are very popular, is cleaned died off epiteliya, black points, a grease secret, bacteria and microorganisms are removed. All these manipulations give to the person purity and freshness for a long time. The tone of skin is supported by peelings. It is deeper cleaning of skin and a time, but skin at these manipulations doesn't suffer, and receives all necessary: to "breathe".

Correction of eyebrows, giving of beautiful forms by it, painting of eyelashes and lengthening – to these too is engaged esthetic cosmetology. By means of tweezers and paint the master cosmetician emphasizes identity of lines and forces to turn around people around after well-groomed beauty of the person.

The esthetic medicine has many methods which allow to correct not a shape of eyebrows, and their arrangement in an arsenal. With age skin has property to droop therefore the face form blurs, brovny arches fall. The tightening, disposal of wrinkles, correction of soft fabrics – here than is engaged esthetic medicine. It is effective in this plan termag. This technique is attractive to many because termag no contra-indication has.

Graceful earrings in ears will be presented by cosmetology. Today there are almost painless methods of piercing of ears, and consequently girls and women can't resist temptation, add in the natural beauty shine and mysteriousness of metal and jewels.

Mission is assigned to a bioepilation to relieve a body of superfluous hair. Feet, hands, area of bikini and other hard-to-reach spots will look well-groomed and is smooth after procedure with drawing of cosmetic wax. There is no more need to apply the razor and to carry out procedure of removal of hair often. Cosmetic wax helps to get rid of a scalp for a long time.

The combination of esthetic cosmetology and medicine will allow the woman to shine and draw attention. For this reason always it is necessary to take for itself only the best, progressive and unique on the indispensability and importance.

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