Face masks

Natural Beauty Tips

Natural foods are a perfect way to enhance your beauty because it gives your face a refreshing and new look. Women have been using a variety of different facenatural face masks  masks for a long time to look charming and beautiful. The markets are flooded with under different brands ranging from VLCC to Shanaz Hussain, each priced at competitive rates.
Most homemade beauty face-packs, facial masks and scrubs are made of natural ingredients available at almost all homes. The benefit of homemade facial masks is that they do not have any side effects and are unlikely to cause any real harm to your face and skin. In fact most natural homemade facial masks help to reduce and prevent skin disorders like blemishes and acne scars. Homemade natural face masks can be made by using basic ingredients found around the house.
Various homemade face masks have different benefits for the skin. For example, an oily or acne prone skin will benefit from mud or clay-based masks and dry skin will benefit from masks made from glycerin, honey and oil.
So let’s talk about a few of the most common natural food that you can easily find in the market and the face-packs which you can prepare on your own at home in just a few minutes. You may also be wondering how these natural food can substitute for your expensive beauty creams and products and yet provide you with the glowing skin you always wanted.
• Cucumber:
It is well known for its healing properties, has a wonderful calming and soothing effect on sensitive or sunburned skin and makes a wonderful mask. You can place sliced or grated chilled cucumber on your face or put the chilled cucumber in a blender and use the puree instead. Leave it on for about 30 minutes while you lie down and then rinse it off and follow up with a moisturizer.
• Bananas:
Bananas are natural humectants (a substance used primarily in foods and cosmetic products to help retain moisture) that are often used in homemade facial and body masks for dry skin. Simply apply a mashed banana to your face. Add some plain yogurt and an egg white or a tablespoon of honey to the bananas to make the mask more luxurious.
• Eggs:
Eggs help to reduce the appearance of pores and fine lines on the surface of the skin because of their skin conditioning and toning properties. They also act as a hair conditioner and thickener, and can be used as a base to bind other ingredients together. To create an egg mask that will minimize your pores and give you healthy skin, beat one egg yolk, apply it to your face and rinse well after 15 minutes. For a more moisturizing mask, mix one egg yolk, one teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of olive oil, and use it the same way as you used the plain egg yolk mask.
• Honey:
Honey is known for its skin conditioning and antibacterial effects, and is a wonderful healing ingredient for moisturizers, masks, cleansers and lip balms. Active Manuka honey is especially beneficial for healing skin. Use a warm, wet towel to open your pores, and then spread the honey on your face. Leave on for 15-30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water and then cold to close the pores.
• Kiwis:
Kiwis are high in vitamin C, and refresh the skin when used in masks and toners. Fresh kiwi juice or pulp can be added to a variety of other ingredients to form masks, but it can also be used by itself as a cleansing mask. It’s fairly astringent, so it may pinch a little. But this is okay, as long as you keep it away from your eyes. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, first wash with warm and then cold water and follow with your normal moisturizer.
• Lemons:
Lemons are a natural astringent and are often found in toners and exfoliators. They’re excellent for oily and greasy skin, because they remove excess oil and to help lighten skin pigmentation. To make a mask to address oily skin issues, mix the juice of half a lemon and one beaten egg white and then apply it to your face, avoiding the eyes. You can actually leave this mask on overnight if you want or for just 15 minutes if you want a quick result.
• Oatmeal:
Oatmeal softens and heals the skin and is therefore a great addition to any mask for sensitive skin. It can also be used as a mild exfoliant by mixing it with enough water or milk to make a soft paste and using it to wash your face. If you have oily skin, use the same preparation as a mask, leaving it on until it dries. Once it does, rub it off with your fingers, making sure to do it very gently so you protect your skin.
• Pineapple:
Pineapple makes a great exfoliant, due to its natural enzymes. Mash the pineapple, apply it to the skin and let it set a few minutes. After you rinse it off, finish with a gentle mask made from one cup yogurt and a tablespoon of honey for the ultimate spa treatment.


Face masks are a great way to feed your skin healthy antioxidants. I love creating my own homemade masks at home since it's inexpensive and the natural ingredients are gentle on my dry and sensitive skin. After a long day, nothing is better than kicking up my feet and pampering myself with a delicious mask. 
Strawberries are in season from late spring to early summer and if you live in California, they're readily available at your local stores and farmer markets right now. They make the perfect snack alone or in salads but they are also a great ingredient to use in face masks, since they're packed with vitamin C. They are also rich in alpha-hydroxy acids which help exfoliate the skin. So fresh strawberry masks are great for people with dull, damaged or acne-prone skin. 
Before trying any homemade mask on your face, you should spot test it on your neck or hand to see if your skin reacts. If you're clear, wash your face with your favorite cleanser before applying the mask mix on your face.
Here are three strawberry masks that can help cleanse, exfoliate and brighten your skin!

DIY Recipe #1 Homemade Strawberry Mask

  • 8 - 9 Fresh strawberries
  • 3 Tablespoons of honey
In a bowl, mash the strawberries with a fork until smooth.  Add in the honey and mix the ingredients together. Using clean hands or a sanitized brush, gently apply the mixture all over your face, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and leave the mask on for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it away with warm water, pat your face dry and follow up with your favorite toner and moisturizer. 

DIY Recipe #2 Homemade Strawberry Mask

  • 8 - 9 Fresh strawberries
  • 2 Tablespoon of honey
  • 1 Tablespoon of oil - Extra virgin olive, jojoba, grapeseed or sweet almond oil
  • Few drops of fresh lemon juice - About 8 drops if you have dry skin and up to 1 tablespoon for oily skin.
In a bowl, mash the strawberries with a fork until smooth. Stir in the honey, oil, and lemon juice until all the ingredients are well-incorporated. Using clean hands or a sanitized brush, gently apply the mixture all over your face, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and leave the mask on for 5 minutes. Wash it away with warm water, pat your face dry and follow up with your favorite toner and moisturizer. 

DIY Recipe #3 Homemade Strawberry Mask

  • 5 Fresh strawberries
  • 1/2 Tablespoon of non-flavored yogurt or heavy cream
  • 2 Teaspoon of honey
In a bowl, mash the strawberries with a fork until smooth. Add the honey and yogurt (for oily complexions) or cream (for dry skin) and mix until the ingredients are well-incorporated. Using clean hands or a sanitized brush, gently apply the mixture all over your face, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and leave the mask on for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it away with warm water, pat your face dry and follow up with your favorite toner and moisturizer. 

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