Skin Care

Skin care is by far the most important thing, because your face is what everyone sees when they talk to you or even walk towards you. It's important to wash your face everyday with a good cleanser. If you have oily skin, you should get a product that controls shine & fights acne. You shouldn't wash your face with extremely hot water because it scars the pores on your face. Instead, use lukewarm water, which is warm water. You should wash your face in the shower because it takes 5 minutes for your pores to open & soak in the formula. You also shouldn't rub your face with the product extremely hard, soft circles will clean more efficiently. Don't wash the cleanser off right away, read the directions on the product because some require about 3 minutes to soak into the skin. When it comes close to winter or fall, you should use moisturizers that fight acne & moisturize your skin at the same time.

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