Thursday, May 16, 2013


Women have always been into their looks. From ancient times to modern times, women have always been obsessed with the way they look. Their worlds have revolved, revolve, and will continue to revolve around the way they look. It would be safe to say that nothing matters more to most women than their looks – Yes, that’s how important it is to look good. This craze to look good is the best explanation for the success of all businesses that deal with beautifying a person. This craze also helped build up cosmetology’s waltz into the picture. What is cosmetology? In simple words, cosmetology is nothing but the discipline and application of the same in all things to do with beauty. It has also, over the past few years, evolved into an academic discipline. Cosmetology branches out into specialty areas that include electrology, hairstyling, cosmetics, manicures, and pedicures. History of cosmetology is as colorful as the makeup colors itself. Read on to know more on the history of cosmetology.